Sentieri della Medicina - LOGO


Il dottore è un esperto di relazioni umane. (Michael Balint - 1896-1970)

05 aprile, 2009

What is "Oasis Advanced Wellness" and products they can offer?

During a recent search on Google I sought for natural sunscreen product and I found a site called “Oasis Advanced Wellness”, with many offers about dietary supplements that should be helpful about. I was checking for validity of these offers and I’m impressed by the accuracy of the site, owned by Dr. Loretta Lanphier, “doctor of Naturopath, Clinical Nutritionist, Holistic Health Practitioner and Clinical Herbalist in the Houston”. Shortly, they sell many products that could be useful to health and confort of human body, although they clearly state that they prefer to “educate and help” rather than “treat”, because as they have written in their site “as that word is reserved for licensed medical doctors, which they are not.”.

One of the food supplement dealt is called Intramax. It is a product that seems to be planned to treat patient problems by providing missing nutritional elements. This product seems to be
based on “IntraCELL” technology, provides a system for driving these essential nutrients rapidly to blood and reducing mineral deficiencies. This liquid nutritional supplement contains natural Fulvic Acid that helps the body to reduce allergies, infection and disease while “restoring balance and energy”.

Another product selled by this site is called “Poly MVA” and it is an antioxidant dietary supplement that may assist body by nutritional supplement containing a proprietary blend of “Palladium” and “alpha-lipoic Acid”, in addition to Vitamins B1, Vitamin B2 and Vitamin B12, Formyl Methionine and other substances listed in product site, which also says that “It is
designed to provide energy for the compromised body systems”. Although it should be useful as nutritive assistance product, it’s appropriate to state that, as well as written in thier site, “definitive studies on it's effect in human nutrition and health are under way”, so this product should be still under investigation about the whole effects that should give to body.

There are also many others but I let you give a sight about these and, although I think these
product still needs some exactitude, you should consider the information they give about.


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