Talking about “Global Village”, we can see how web developing brings new form of economy. Every products could be purchased or selled in every country we want to. Hence, it is possible to understand how this opportunity should be extended to pharmaceutical products. Many societies from growing countries like India, Cina, ect. are using internet to advertise our products or to publicize the chance to acquire products directly from their stores. Now, it is absolutely obvious that drugs acquirement from “the net” should be considered as dangerous and, in many countries, illegal, but it seems like this turnover is growing year after year. Will the global economic crisis to be seen as the motive that leads people to seek savings even putting their lives at risk?
For example, during a navigation session on the internet I saw a site that advertise an Indian Society which guarantee 10% reduction of normal American price on any product, notwithstanding they specify that “Indian medications” listed on their site are displayed with American name but they are Indian Brand Name Pharmaceuticals. Also, they specify that they usually sold medicines that are the “Indian versions” of their USA counterparts and they are (or is it better to say “they should be”?) identical cloens in their pharmaceutical-chemical makeup.
However, in spite of the fact that a society like medsindialtd should give lower prices (than American price, nothing known about European comparison), I disagree that online purchasing should be not considered as “a good affair”, also I think that pharmaceutical purchase is something strictly related to the main help a good doctor/pharmacist should give, even in these difficulty times. At least, online purchasing of pharmaceutical product should be considered as “the last chance” to obtain a drug which .
The purchase of pharmaceutical products online can be considered useful only if the person suffering from an illness, is unable to get their life-saving drug because of a lack of adequate health care by the government of his country or in case of medical price is really and unjustifiable higher and therefore in this case the purchase of a hazardous drug in India is more advantageous that the wrongfully being denied their right to health. In all other cases, let lose and come to your healthy national service, your personal doctor and your pharmacist in confidence.
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