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Il medico deve indossare vestiti puliti, deve presentarsi con il viso sbarbato e le unghie tagliate. Indosserà una veste bianca, calzerà i sandali, porterà in mano un bastone od un parasole e si rivolgerà a tutti con gentilezza e con sguardo benevolo (Susruta - Anestesista e chirurgo indiano vissuto nel 1000 a.C.)

19 aprile, 2009

What is acne?

With the term acne we relate to a skin disease which is characterized by a inflammatory process of piliferous follicle and sebaceous glands connected to this, and this could be expressed in many ways: from pustule to nodule. Acne is recognizable by black-tipped pimple, which is elemental lesion of skin characterized by dilatation of follicle hole with brownish substance inside, made by fats, keratin and germs.

Juvenile acne is a cronical and skin inflammation which derived from various causes, it’s showed in many ways and should be localized to visus skin, shoulder, ect. Usually it appears in puberty because of ormonal raising and it’s soften, with regression, at twelve years although resurgence should resist until forty years old. Every young should show acne appearance during his life.

Since it is a disease with many causes, dermatologist can act on multiple fronts, with proportional to the clinical severity. As a general rule it is recommended adequate cleaning of the skin, avoiding aggressive detergents and warm water. Aggressive and repeatitive washes bring the opposite effect, stimulating the sebaceous production and alteration of normal flora associated.

Regarding acne treatments , there are many products that could be used to help skin. Murad brings a cure called “Acne complex”, from their site they says it is “luxuriously gentle enough to use as everyday skincare, yet powerful enough to fight even the most persistent breakouts.”. It seems to act in three steps: cleanse, treat and hydrate. Also, as they state in their site, Murad products do not contain Benzoyl Peroxide and are formulated with hydrating agents, anti-inflammatories, antioxidants and specific acne-fighters which provide the best principles for achieving an optimal skin health. The cost of their treatment seems to be about 29.95 dollars. It seems to be at the same level of other acne products but costs seem to be lower.

Also, Murad product Acne Body Wash is featured to hydrate and strengthen skin, reducing redness and irritation. It contains Triclosan to eliminate bacteria, exfoliating date seed powder to polish away pore-clogging impurities and salicylic acid to control blemishes and prevent future breakouts. Obviously, please keep in mind that there's no "magic potion" and you all always ought to care about any possible allergies before any idea of product purchase.


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