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La medicina è fatta di tre cose: la malattia il paziente e il medico quest ultimo è il servo dell arte - Ippocrate (Medico, padre della Medicina, 460-377 AC)

20 aprile, 2009

What is acne, second part

Conglobate Acne is a combined chronic and severe form characterized by the presence of nodularity and cystic lesions with a tendency to the formation of a pseudo-abscess. It may be helpful as a soothing, in episodes of acute-pustular acne papules, make wraps with cotton wool dipped in a decoction previously cooled (to the limits of freezing) obtained by boiling water and chamomile flowers. Acne youth is reported by the presence of: comedone, age of onset, the typical locations. From the epidemiological point of view acne is a unease form, typically male patient and aged between puberty and the fourth decade of life. The genesis is unknown, probably the most important role is played by a particular and personal immune reactivity. The regions most affected are the spine and chest, while face is usually less affected. In women the lesions are distributed mainly in the axillary cave, breast skin and groin. If it locates on the scalp, the resulting picture may differ from the folliculitis and is characterized by the formation of abscesses with results in cicatricial alopecia with a chronic course.

Since it is a disease with many causes, acne treatment can act on multiple fronts, with proportional to the clinical severity.

If you prefer an antiseptic-antibiotic, there are many anti acne solution based on substances like tetracycline, clindamycin, erythromycin, benzyl-peroxide. To standardize the process of keratinization with a topical therapy, there are many acne product containing retinoic acid or other retinoids (isotretinoin and adapalene ) performing a similar action, Azelaic acid 20%.

Some researchers believe that exposure to sunlight may lead to improvement, probably because of the antiseptic power of UV as well as the immunosuppressive action of sunlight, which then reduces the flogistic component, for increasing the thickness of the stratum corneum. However, what you get is only a temporary masking dell'acne, not a real improvement. After exposure to UV acne reappears, often in even worse shape (the so-called rebound effect), mainly because thickening of the stratum corneum that facilitates the closure and the infection of the follicles. This also explains the deterioration that many teens suffer from acne are experiencing in the months of September and October. Then a good rule, after the bathing season is to a mild chemical peeling (exfoliation of the skin) can renew and normalize the skin. At the end you can use creams based on glycolic acid 15% salicylic acid. The yeast has curative properties against dell'acne.


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