Last night, during one of my “go around” internet session, I discover this site called Shopwiki: I saw it as a online shopping site but totally different from classic sites like Ebay. ShopWiki seems to have revolutionized online shopping because it finds every store on the internet by “crawling”, that is it searched things you need all over the net, something like Google. Traditional shopping sites have only shown you stores that have been placed but ShopWiki will give an opportunity to shop about everything.
For example, if you want to buy a blender or similar kitchen appliances, you can search it on the page using something like this, and you will find better results than other sites because it gives you the opportunity to look for this kind of gadget in many safe sites. All products needed should be searched by Categories (like Ebay), by Brand, by alphabetical order or simply putting a keyword over a text field. So you may find many categories, many products, every kind of appliances, for example from Cambridge Tripoli Flatware Set to Denby Blue Linen Dinnerware. Apparently site needs registration, but there are many way to guarantee commercial protection about own personal data and registration is very fast and responsive.
At least, there’s something to talk about: this site offers a great opportunity to purchase healthy gadget allowing user to search into a large buying guide, so every people trying to search about a specified product should be good to take a look, maybe it should be a better site than other to find response for own needs.
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