Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the broncho airways, in which some cells, particularly mast-cells, eosinophils and lymphocytes T, have to be considered. In predisposed subjects this inflammation causes recurrent episodes of wheezing, difficulty breathing, feeling of chest constriction and coughing. These symptoms are usually associated with widespread and variable obtrusion, reversible after bronchodilator therapy. The inflammation also causes an increase in airway response to numerous stimuli more or less specific. The current definition emphasizes the key role of inflammation in the genesis of symptoms and functional abnormalities.
It is estimated that more than 100 million people worldwide are suffering from bronchial asthma and several studies suggest that this disease is increasing. Nearly 23 million Americans suffer from asthma. In Italy asthmatics represent between 5 and 8% of the population.
When an allergen is inhaled, the bronchi induces a series of sequential reactions that ultimately produce the asthmatic crisis. If the antigen is inhaled for the first time, is "eaten" and "dismantled" in small parties, the specialized cells as antigen presenters (such as macrophages) in order to expose its surface to some small pieces (peptides ). Through this presentation antigens are recognized by T lymphocytes, once activated produce substances that activate the Bone lymphocyti, which produce antibodies against the allergen, called immunoglobulin E, which will stick to the mast. Arrived at this stage, the future ill not even notice anything, but the body is now equipped to respond vehement in the case of another exposure to allergens. At a time when other allergens are inhaled the same a second time, the immune system "berserk", turn on the mast that freed the prevalence of mediators, like histamine, which acts as broncho constringer (produces spasms that oppress the breathing ) parallel capillaries inducing acts on to release fluid in tissue that is swollen and then narrowing the bronchioles. Also other substances are produced, such as basic proteins that can damage the bronchial epithelium. The bronchial spasm at this point is ready to occur, and the disease can become chronic in the case of a continuous accumulation of mediators of inflammation.
Recently the EPA (Environment Protection Agency, an important United States unit for the control of the human ambient) has issued guidelines for dust control, dust abatement and for the regulation of the small PM10 particle emissions. These changes is going to be a priority for many international state governs to take control of dust pollution. The efforts to control dust will eventually help thousands of asthma sufferers.
There are many things people can do in own houses to control asthma and help lessen the burden. Some recommendations include the following tips:
• Clean your home at least once a week to eliminate dust
• Contact your county commissioner if you live in an area in need of dust control
• Exercise to strengthen your heart and lungs
• Use your air conditioner to reduce airborne pollens
• Use a dehumidifier to maintain optimal humidity
Talking about dust control, above all a good control of environment should be consideres as a necessary action to keep control of asthmatical patologies and to reduce pm10 particles. There are many societes that allow to maintain a good quality of soil, road and infrastructure. “Soils Control International (SCI)” is one of these societies dedicated to the goal of soil stabilization, erosion control. Take a look at their site to obtain free information about their services.
L arte della medicina consiste nel divertire il paziente mentre la natura cura la malattia - Voltaire (Filosofo francese, 1694-1778)
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Elisa su nick jonas miley cyrus e la loro ha scritto
Ciao, anch'io sono diabetica, da quando avevo 6 anni e mezzo e anch'io ho il microinfusore da un po'.
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Eurostat ha dichiarato che entro la fine di aprile avremmo avuto l'aggiornamento dei dati al 2015, ma fino ad ora ...(continua)
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per caso c'entra il selenio ?
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Senza contare fra l'altro che l'obbligo di prescrizione in questi casi comporta unicamente problemi per il ...(continua)
Ciao, anch'io sono diabetica, da quando avevo 6 anni e mezzo e anch'io ho il microinfusore da un po'.
Anonimo su eurostat in un decennio persi in italia ha scritto
Eurostat ha dichiarato che entro la fine di aprile avremmo avuto l'aggiornamento dei dati al 2015, ma fino ad ora ...(continua)
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Anonimo su tiroide qual e la soglia di tsh per cui ha scritto
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